Monday 7 April 2014

Matchbox Accordian album fun!!!

Cheery Lynn Matchbox ( large).

Morning everyone!
Lou in again with a little bit of an experiment!!!! Tracy sent me this awesome Cheery Lynn Matchbox die in my DT box and I was so excited when I saw it! ( was my little Mo...he had me make him 2 before I even had chance to do one for me!!!!!).

So I decided to make a matchbox accordion album. This kind of thing is a bit new to me but I still had the Prima Free Spirit papers sat on my table in front of me from another make so I decided to get on the task!! the little sentiments sheet was screaming use me so I snipped it up and popped one on each part of the album.

So here it is all tucked out of the box....
Now taking a photo of this was easier said than done!!! (...think Lou standing on chair...Lou crouching down..Lou wobbling sideways with her little lights from her light tent...Lou swearing some......) but I hope you can see just how much fun they are!!

I am already busy on my next one!! he he he!!! 

Thank you for popping in on me
Lou xxx