Wednesday 30 March 2011

My best surprise of the day!

 Hello peeps!!!

I am blogging in late tonight as I have been having a bit of a vegging night!!! but I just had to share the best surprise of my day.

First I had a fabulous day at work today. I was busy and I loved it!!! I am always at my happiest when I am pootling along busily so that was fab.

Then onto to fetch my super gorgeous little Mo. He came out smiling,cluthcing what I thought was the normal pile of star wars drawings and then he gave me this card. Awwwwwwwwww!!! he gave me a huge snuggle too which was just awesome and I must admit I felt completely proud and a bit teary but held it together (...didn't want to cry in the playground!!!!!! lol !!!)

It is me, cooking tea in the flowers, awwww.

This is just the best ever mothers day card, so I had to share it with you all.
Here's the inside......
It is little mo, in the garden being a gnome because he knows I love being outside!!! oh I adore this little guy and his little stories about what he has drawn, it is pure magic. The big red bits are love hearts.

Thank you for peeking and putting up with my super proud mummy moments!!!!!
huge hugs
Lou xxxxxx

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Tiddly Inks challenge 44- Celebrate with us!!

Image- Cup of my Love Lilly Bean from Tiddly Inks.
Papers- Craft The Year Away from Funky Hand.
Promarkers- vanilla, crimson,berry red,cool grey 3,4 and 5.
red at you spica pen.
oval nestie.
Martha stewart punch.
SU oval punch.

Good Morning Peeps!!!!

Happy Tiddly Tuesday :) and the Tiddly Inkers are having a little celebration because it is our very own Christy's birthday!! Happy Birthday Christy xxxxxxx

and so onto the celebrations!!!!!!! over on the challenge blog we are Create a birthday card challenge using Black/White/Red. These are Christy's favorite colours so grab your favourite Tiddly Inks image and get creating!!!!

For my card I used the Cup of My Love Lilly Bean. She is so sweet and sassy (...and strong too holding all that love up there!!!)

The colouring was super simple, as I kept to the challenge colours...apart from her skin of course!!! I decided she needed a good blingy dress for partying!!

My gorjuss papers are from my Craft The Year Away cd. I seriously don't know what I would do without it as it has papers for everything on it and they all snuggle up together so nicely!!!

I made the sentiment in word and printed it out onto one of my scraps of the red paper, then punched it, inked it and doodled on it a little!!!!!

Now...for even more celebratory yumminess!!!!... there are of course new images going into the shop today but will love this next celebrate her birthday Christy is......

Having  a SALE!!!!!

so quick, run...go fill your Tiddly basket up!!!!!!! :) there are some gorgeous new tiddlies just sitting in the shop and here's a peek of them.....
Well, I am off to work for the morning and then onto my BF's for a cuppa and a waffle. I have been melancholy over the last week so I am looking forward to a chat and cheering up-ness!!!!!! :)
Have a fab day everyone hugs Lou xxxxxx

Sunday 27 March 2011

Cute,cute,cute birthday box!!!

Box from my stash!
Flower and leaf punch from papermania
(clare, don't tell Mo I pinched his punches!!)
Anita's gems.
Pear Green promarker.
Tag from 'the work's shop.
Pink thread.

Morning peeps!!!!!

I had a lovely treat of a drive out to the lovely Clare's craft shop yesterday. We had a yummy breakfast in the little coffee shop literally across the door way from Clare's shop (sob, the time we had finished nomming our yummy scrambled eggs and Mo was extremely excited to find 3 huge marshmallows floating in his hot chocolate,Clare was just about to start a class so I couldn't have a proper catch up...oh well.... will have to go again for a good old natter!!!!)

Now, a teeny confession....the flower and leaf punch are not mine!!! they are actually part of Little Mo's crafty buys from Clare's but I am sure he won't mind me borrowing them!!!!

I have a little birthday party to go to today for my very special little lady (...or not so little now but I am happily in denial that she is growing up as all good nanny's who are feeling old when their charges grow up would!!!!) We are going to have some crafty fun and decorate some cakes, make some door hangers a la funky hand!! I will take my camera for piccies in case I get chance to take some!!

Claudia is growing up now so for her present I wanted to give her some pennies for her to go and choose whatever she fancies and I wanted a nice little box for them to go in.
She loves pink so I knew I could trust my awesome Craft The Year Away cd for some yummilicious pink paper.
I made up my box and added some splodges of pink ink around the edges. Trimmed up some funky pink paper to layer the box up with and splodged some ink on the edges of that too.

Then made myself some gorgeous little leafs by colouring a piece of white card with my pear green promarker and punching them out (..that punch is soooooo cute and very addictive...have more leafs then I need.....!!) then I ran my embossing tool down the middle of it to make it look more leafy!!!!
I punched the flowers out of my scrappy bits of paper, cream and funky pink, inked the edges and embossed them too. The cream flower was glued on first, then the leaves just gently pushed into the glue underneath, then the pink flower went inside the cream flower to gently layer it and a gorgeous pink gem for the centre of the flower.

Here's a little piccy of the punches and other bits and bobs I used in case you need to see the punches.
The glue isn't even dry in the flowers in my top piccy as I was just so excited to share it!!!!!!! daft me!!

The tag is one from a packet of price tags I bought from 'The Works' shop in town. I love these little tags. I took out the white string and then glued it onto a piece of paper, typed Claudia in word and then printed it out. Then I re-threaded the tag with some yummy pink thread to match the colour scheme on the box.

It really is a squishably cute box!!!
Right, better get me dressed...not got that far yet!! crafting in my pj's is so me on a sunday morning!!!

Have a fabby sunday everyone!! hugs Lou xxxxxx

Friday 25 March 2011

busy butterflies!!!!

 Hiyah peeps!!!!

I have been super busy for the past couple of nights creating some bits that one of the girls at work has asked for for her wedding which is coming up soon.

My first job was the guest book and the scheme is black and fuschia pink and butterflies.
I headed for my stack of yummy bloom and grow minds eye papers becuase I knew this delicious paisley print pinky one was in there!!! oooh I love it.
The butterflies are from my cricut storybook cart and cut in black cardstock, which I then popped through my creatopia and covered with some pink flocking stuff..oooh they are so soft to rub!!! I cut the fluttery flight path off one so I could rest it on my nestied oval.
I added a couple of little gems on them and then popped them up on some silicone.
the little flowers are from my SU boho flowers punch and off course some martha branch!!!!!

I wanted the adult bridesmaids cards to match the guest book so I almost copied the layout of the guest book and I am so pleased with how they turned out. 
I popped a little verse inside the bridesmaids cards too.

I took them to work today and it was lovely to see that Gabby liked them, I am always a little bit worried when I make things people have asked for!!!! daft me!!!!

Anyway, I am off to have a quick cuppa now and recharge my batteries before I finish off a wedding book for us girls at work to sign for another lady at work who is getting married!!! its all go in our nursery this year!!!!

Thankyou for popping in on me, your comments mean so much to me and always cheer me up.
Hugs Lou xxxx

Wednesday 23 March 2011

My big boy is 11 today!!

In August 2002 when Scott and I got together, I was also blessed with my step son, Ryan. And today he is 11 years old, I cannot believe how quickly time has zoomed by!!!

His card had to be a squidge more grown up this year so he got a LOTV Football crazy on his card and a LOTV circle stamp too!!

I stamped him and then heat embossed him with some clear embossing powder to make him look yummy. He got a good old Man Utd colouring with my promarkers. If you look really close on his little trainer you can see Ryan written on it. I did that because his fabby new trainers from his mum sarah and dad jim have his name on them and I wanted the little footballer to mirror that.
The punched border is martha stewart and is a very special punch as a dear friend sent me it.A few little card candies on the edges and I sneaked in some kisses in the corners of my little footballer and on the top edge of the punched border. The sun was just going down when I took this piccy and Little Mo and his big brother Ryan were playing rounders in the garden, it was so lovely and a super treat for Mo to see Ryan after school. We don't normally see Ryan in the week as he is with Sarah during the week so Mo was very excited.

Then onto the cake!!!!  for his 11th birthday I thought I had better go for a big boy cake!!!!!! and made this yummy looking little football shape using one of my pyrex pudding basins and iced it ( lots of icing!!). Then I decided that I needed a goal net too so I made one to sit the cake on and a little Man Utd logo stuck into it on a good old McDonalds coffee stirrer!!!!

I know I am not much of a cake maker but I am very proud of this one!! you can just about make out the green icing writing and number 11 on the black icing!!

Right I am off to veg out for a little bit now before I start thinking about some cards I need to make, cuppa here I come!!!

Thank you for popping in on me
Hugs Lou xxx

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Tiddly Inks challenge 43- Picture Me!!!

Image- Fairy House and
Fairy Fae Dreams from Tiddly Inks.
Promarkers- pear green, terracotta,pastel biege,
cool grey 1,2 and 3,antique pink,cocktail pink,
amethyst,orchid,almond(...phew i think thats it...!)
clear star gelly roll sakura pen
glossy accents
Morning peeps!!

Its that Tiddly time of week again!!! Its time for yummy new images in the shop (...and oooooh they are so fab this week!!!) and a new challenge over on the Tiddly Inks challenge blog and this week we have a gorgeous photo to follow for colour inspiration and your card will need to be shaped too but....with out the use of a cricut or other cutting machine.
(....Lou hears all her friends gasp as they know there isn't much that I don't cut out without the use of my cricut!!!!!!!!)
Here is the gorgeous photo.......

I just love those colours and the ruffley flowers!! oh and don't worry because our very talented Tiddly Inker Lysa has set you all up with a tutorial to give you some ideas!!! and our very lovely Christy has made you all a freebie template so pop over to her blog for more details!!!
So you have until next monday at 10pm CST to get our your favourite Tiddly Inks images and join in with the tiddly inking fun!!!! I can't wait to see what everybody creates, I love a good bloggy womble!!

I used the superb little Fairy House to make my shaped card base, I printed it out making sure the cute little mushrrom house was at the bottom of the page and then folded it in half and cut around the shape of it (...yes that took a little while but oh sooooo cute it looks!!!!) Here's a few piccies I took whilst I was snipping!!!

...and here's the coloured fairy house!!!....and promarkers galore!!!!

.....and then sat one very sweet Fairy Fae Dreams on top of it. She looks like she is just sat watching the world go by on a lovely summery day.

I always have so much fun creating different looking cards. I love this one and she has already been snaffled by little mo who wants this to be his cousin Lily's birthday card.

I am also entering this card in the magical mondays challenge blog shaped cards challenge this week.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Starting on the mothers day creating!!

Morning peeps!!
Its a bright and sunny morning here now which is lovely. Mo had a pants night last night so I am hoping for him to get better today, he has eaten breakfast and a doughnut mum bought him yesterday so I think he is going the right way to feeling better !!! :)

My little share of the day today is my start on my mothers day cards. The papers are from my TK Maxx bargain find of memory makers papers and the stamp is the super cute little rosie from lili of the valley. I love her to bits and use her oodles!!!
The flowers are punched out with my SU Boho punch and the little ovals with my sentiment are SU's oval punches, and not forgetting the most needed martha branches!!!!
A little splish of lace and some yummy beads and she is all ready to go!!!!!!

Off to tesco for milk now!!!

have a fabby sunday everyone, I will be back for a bloggy womble later!!
Hugs Lou xxx

Friday 18 March 2011

Fabulously Inky Friday!!

Image and sentiment- Harmony at home from Tiddly Inks.

Hello peeps!! how are you all this fabby sunny friday afternoon?

Its Fabulously Inky Friday today over on the Tiddly Inks challenge blog which means its time to announce the winners of lasst weeks Kraft with me challenge and take a peek at what peeps have been creating with their tiddlies!!!

I have been having a bit of a sort out in my craft room. I have lots of pictures of family and sentimental bits hanging above my craft desk and wanted to make myself a hanging for in there too and this is what I came up with.
I printed straight onto my Krafty coloured file folder, trimmed it down and added a bit of metallic ink to the edges. Then I added a bit of black cardstock to the back and few holes to add my raffia to hang it.
Its very simple but I absolutely love it and the sentiment is perfect for me as I am always listening to music while I am out there. I love music and have a huge list of favourites!!! all varied types too from classical which I love right down to classics like the Rolling Stones!!

Mo was quite poorly in the night with his asthma as he has a cold, I think we got a total of 3 hrs sleep but he was raring to go to school and join in with the comic relief fun today as he knew he could go as Robin Hood!!! here he is ( ...yup, they are black bags under his eyes from no sleepies bless him!!)

...all ready to go and get the sheriff of nottingham!!!!! then we had to pick him up at 2:30pm when school rang to say he had gone to the office to say he needed his mummy, awwwwww. So we have a sick little boy on the settee now, all bunged up and red, awwwwwwww.

Right off to get a cup of tea and eat my super yummy coffee cupcake cooked by Hayley's mum for our cake sale at nursery for comic relief,mmmmm yummo!!!
hugs Lou xxxx

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Funky Fifteenth- Zing Into Spring!!

Good Morning Peeps!!!
Well, I can't believe it but we are into March already and the Funky Fifteenth is upon us already!!! Its my turn to choose the theme over on Get Funky. Don't forget to check Jules's post  to see if you are  the funky winner for feb!!!!

Now onto this months Funky Fifteenth challenge which is........
Zing Into Spring.

I love spring and I would love to see your creations using funky spring colours of greens, yellows and lilacs.
somewhere on your creation you must use a
Funky Hand paper on your entry.

And Anice has been busy creating a deliciously springy freebie HERE for any of you that are worried you can't play along with us if you don't have any springy coloured Funky Hand papers.

Our very own little Betty is having her tv debut with Anice and the fabulous Craft The Year Away papercraft factory today over on the Ideal World Create & Craft channel at 10am and 2pm today so I thought I would get her all springy for you!!

My Betty is from the Love 'N' That stamp set. I carefully snipped away her gorgeous box of choccies
(she didn't mind when I told her I was going to swap it for a huge choccy easter egg all wrapped up!)

I printed straight onto my card base using my Craft The Year Away cd and inked the edges with some yummy purple chalk ink. I also printed out some of the super cute little chick stamps from the cd,cut
them out and 'fluffed'them up by embossing them!!

 Then using the fabby new Rainbow Polka Dots papers, I made myself some yummy looking easter eggs. I ripped a teeny hole in the one Betty is holding and squeezed a little chick in....hope she takes him out before she eats the egg...!!!!

I made the sentiment by popping the rainbow dots printed paper back into my printer and using the angelina font in the workspace to write 'Zing into spring'.
The yummy ribbon and buttons come from the Funky stash and they are both from the September song sets.

....Phew...she didn't eat him!!!!!

Don't forget to check back on Get Funky on the 17th to see what Anice has to share with you for her zingy springiness!!! and don't forget to tune into Create&Craft to see some funky demo's with Anice today at 10am & 2pm.
So, go get funky and have fun!! can't wait to see what you all come up with.

(Oh,this is my 2nd post for today so if you are looking for my Tiddly Tuesday its under this one!!!)

Hugs Lou xx

Tiddly Inks challenge 42- Lucky Me!!

Image- Froggie Thoughts from tiddly Inks.
Promarkers- Pear Green, gold and honeycomb.
Papers- Craft The Year Away cd -rom from Funky Hand.
Shamrock- A Childs Year cricut cart.
Martha Stewart cherich punch.
SU tiny tags punch and stamp set.

Its Tiddly Tuesday again and that means a fun new challenge over on the Tiddly Inks challenge blog.

This week, Challenge 42, is all about GREEN!!

To give you some ideas for green theres St. Patrick's Day coming up and spring knocking at our door. So grab your favourite Tiddly Inks image and get going on a creation that either encompass a St. Patrick's Day theme  OR run with the environmental theme of Save The Earth!
Just pop over to the challenge blog to get some inspiration from the Dt who have rocked the challenge as always, they are awesome gals xxx

I went for a bit of St Patrick and luck for my card. I just had to use the frog prince from the froggie thoughts set for my image. He needs some luck finding that princess to kiss him doesn't he?!!
The sentiment is from my scrap'n'fonts newsletter freebie set, its so sweet.

My papers are all from my Craft The Year Away cd, I love the green spotty one behind my froggie!!! its so cool and I love how all the greens mush together so fab, Anice rocks at that colour co-ordinating thing  (...which is totally fabulous as I don't do co-ordinating that well and normally cheat with double sided paper packs!!!!!)

I am entering this little guy in the Luck of the irish challenge over on the Allsorts challenge blog too as he will fit just nicely in that with that....who knows he might find an irish princess over there!!! :)

In a couple of hours I will be posting again with the new Funky Fifteenth challenge for Get Funky so please pop back and see me again!!
Hugs Lou xxx

Monday 14 March 2011

Choo choo!! a little train birthday card!!

Dreams Come True from Funky Hand.
Cricut carts- New Arrival-Train
Doodle charms- present
Doodletype- text.
SU Tiny Tag punch.
SU 'right on track' roll around wheel
Chocolate chip roll around ink.

I have been having a little play in my crafty garage and just had to come in, take a piccy and share this little cutie with you. I had most of it made on friday but it had a little giraffe in the truck that was niggling me, he just didn't look quite right bless him so he had to come out and then I spent most of the weekend pondering what to pop in instead and tonight I decided on a little pressie with a tag.

I also couldn't work out what I wanted my little train to sit on (....needed to work that out quick and stick it down on the card today as little mo's eyes lit up when he saw it...!!)

I have had my little train track roll around wheel for at least 2 years and it has just been sitting on my craft stuff shelf but today it got its first outing and it is so fab (....definite obsession going to happen with those rolly wheels me thinks.....).

The teeny weeny sentiment on the tag I printed on my computer and then punched it out with my SU Tiny tags punch.
Here's a little close up of the train!!

I absolutely adore the paper on the top half of the card, its from Funky Hand's Dreams Come True papercraft factory cd-rom and looks just like a puffy cloudy sky on a sunny day, so sweet. The grassy coloured splattered paper is one of my fav's from the new Craft The Year Away papercraft factory.

And just a quicky reminder that Anice from Funky Hand will be on the Ideal world channel/create & craft tv tomorrow at 10 am and 2 pm so get your recorders set or seat on the settee booked!!! :)

I hope you have all had a fab monday, I have got the awful girlie monthlies so I feel a bit foggy today but still cheery me!! :)
Thank you for popping in on me
Hugs Lou xxxx

Sunday 13 March 2011

Birdie birthday card!!

All images and papers from Craft The Year Away by Funky Hand.
Ribbon- September song set from Funky Hand.
7x5 blank card base.
Good morning peeps!!!

urgh well the sun didn't last and this morning we have awoken to drizzle :( I am hoping it will brighten up again later as I have some more washing that would love to dry on the line!!

I was having a little play on my Craft The Year Away again on friday and this is the cutie I created!!! now just incase you haven't got it already here is what my lovely little pooter screen looked like whilst I was working away making my matting for my card within the programme itself.
(I absolutely love this feature as it saves on oodles of layers that the postie loves to charge me a squillion pennies for a large letter due to its width if it is going to be mailed!!)
The only bit you can't see on this screenshot is the darker pink that I printed straight onto my card base and the little bird in his tree.
To make sure my little birdie and his tree were the tight size I printed out all my yummy paper selection and then once that was done I added the tree to the little card front mat I made and resized it and then did the same with the bird and just printed them out on their own.

I love my september song ribbon pack too so I used my last scraps on the thin green one to make a yummy sash and bow.

And what is little mo up to today you ask? well, after mummy and daddy watching him busy creating for 20 mins ( thinking something along the lines of whatever is he doing.....) he had some up with this magnetic racetrack for paper people!!!!! oh I love how his little mind works!!!!!

We have giggled so much racing those little paper people up and down with the magnets!!! got to love McDonald's coffee stirrers!!!! :) mummy and daddy had to take it in turns to race mo!!

Well I am off to make a start on some mothers day cards now so I might be back later!!
Huge hugs
Lou xxx

Saturday 12 March 2011

OOOOh their here!! Tiddly Inks Gothic pinups!!

Oh I am daftly excited today because the fabulous new Tiddly Inks releases are in the store and aren't they just awesome?!! I love them all!!!!!
There are also some great papers and sentiments to go with them so don't forget to pop over to the store and check out the whats new section.

When Christy sent them I couldn't wait to get them printed out and played with!!
My first card is using Heartbroke Happy.

I teamed her up with some black cuttlebug distressed stripes embossed paper and a bit of stitching. The patterned paper on this one is Ty's splatter paper, also available in the Tiddly Inks store.
The sentiment was made in my Craft The Year Away from Funky Hand. I was going from the heartbreaker side for my card!!!! :)

The second one I had a play with was Blow Me Away.
Isn't she fab?!
I teamed her up with some gorgeous papers, again from my Craft The Year Away cd from Funky Hand.
I did 2 layers on her skirt and the second layer actually fluffs up but its hard to see in the picture, it is also pearlescent paper with a hint of pastel pink promarker around the edges.
I distressed a magnolia vintage tag die cut tag and sat her on top of it. The sentiment came from a google search!! love google!!!
And of course a bit of martha punching!!!!!
I have got a bit of a card done with Tainted but she was carefully prised from her card base this morning when I popped to the store and saw Christy had made some gorjuss new papers!!! she so has to sit on those instead!!!!

We had a very early start today and have just got back from visiting my Grandad for a few hours. Scott needed to set up his new TV free sat box for him, so Little Mo and I took our tent and set it up on the patio to play in while the big men did boring ariel stuff!! it was great fun.
The sun is shining now so I have just got to get my washing out on the line, it will be the first time this year but I do so love line dried clothes ( ....much easier to iron!!!)

Don't forget to pop over to Christy's blog and see the deliciously dark cards that the Tiddly Inking team have made!!!

Huge hugs
Lou xxxxxx

Friday 11 March 2011

Rainbow Polka Dots at Funky Hand!!

Morning peeps!!

Yey its friday!!!!! I love friday!!

And whats even better is a new addition to the Funky Hand downloads!!! yep, its one of my favs, its polkadots!!!!!!
Here's a little piccy for you all and if you click HERE  you will be magically transported to funky land for more info and some awesome ideas and inspiration from the DT.

I used the pink variety of gorgeous spotty dots to make some party invitations for a very special little lady in my life who is having a birthday soon. I used my doodlecharms cart to make the little cupcake and my SU tag punch and tiny tags set for the tag.
Sorry the piccy isn't great but it was cold,dark and rainy when I took it!!! and then off in their little package to the special little lady they went before I could click another!!!
OOOh I love the dots!!!!

Oh and before I forget!! super exciting, Funky Hand now have what Mo calls

 its a fabulous tutorial from our very own Anice on how to put together a wordbook.
Mo was most impressed to be able to watch Anice making a wordbook and stop and start it whenever he wanted!!!
I am looking forward to getting a bit of time later to have a play in my little crafty garage......if I don't fall asleep with  mo before I get out there!! lol!!!

Have a fabby friday peeps!!
Hugs Lou xxx

Thursday 10 March 2011

Coming soon....a sneak peek!!!

Morning peeps!!

ooooh I am just a bit excited about the new Tiddly Inks images that Christy has been burning the midnight oil to get ready for saturday's release. They are absolutely fabulous!!!!
So do you want a sneak peek?...........
.........well I did say a sneak peek!!!! you didn't think it was going to be any bigger did you?!!! :) :)

So don't forget to pop into the store on saturday and see if they are in the whats new section!!!

huge hugs Lou xxxxx

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Mini Tilda leaving book.

Hellllloooooo peeps!!!!!

I bet you all thought you had a day of peace without a Lou post didn't you?!!!!!!

Well I have been busy working away tonight making this cute little book with one of my mini Tilda stamps for a friend at work whose BFF is moving away :(

All the papers are My Minds Eye Wild Asparagus and I love them. The kraft coloured card is actually a bit more of my recycled file folders, but ooooh they look so fab together.

The little magnolia vintage tag die cuts all have little sentiments on them that Vicky found last night so I haven't taken close ups of those because they are personal to her. The other side of the little taggy pockets holds a little 3x2.5 inch photographs. I havent taken piccies of those either as they are not mine to show but they are gorgeous. I popped little magnets on the back of them all so Vicky's BF can pop them on her fridge when she gets to her new house.

Right now I have shared my little make of the day I am off for a quick bloggy womble to see what you have all been up to!!!

huge hugs
Lou xxxxx

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Tiddly Inks Challenge 41- Kraft with me!!

Papers- kraft card and Laura Ashley.
Lace and string.
Frayed burlap distress ink.

Morning Peeps!!

Its that time of week to get all Tiddly again!!! there will be yummy new images for the shop and I love our challenge this week!!! I had so much fun creating my card so I know you will love it to, its.........

Kraft with me!!!

All you need to do to join in with the fun over on Tiddly Inks challenge blog is grab your fav Tiddly Inks image/images :) and ......
Use kraft card for your card base and image.

Then link your gorgeous creation by 10pm CST over on the Challenge blog using the fabby linky tool ( the linky tool,makes it so easy!!)

For my card I used Flowery Wishes, I love this set. I printed the Get well sentiment and lots of the single flower straight out onto my kraft card and then gave them all a good old splodge with my embossing pad and covered them in clear embossing powder. Oooooooh they came out so yummy I love it!!!
Then all I needed to do was make my card base, add some yummy lace and a little bit of yummy paper and hey presto,card done!!!! I absolutely loved making this card,so much fun!!!

Right I had better get me off to work so don't forget to pop on over to Tiddly Inks Challenge blog and take a peek at the Tiddly Inkers gorgeous creations!!

Huge Tiddly tuesday hugs
Lou xxxxxx

Monday 7 March 2011

Robot birthday boy!

All images and papers on this card are from Funky Hand's

Hello Peeps!!!

I am back today with another of my Sunday crafty makes!!! This time its my cute little robot birthday card!!

I had fun making my own backing paper in the workspace part of my Craft The Year Away CD by shrinking down some robots and randomly splodging them around a piece of the green gingham patterned paper!!! ( little mo especially liked that bit!!!).
I used the label font for my birthday boy sentiment, ooh I love the label font!!

I printed out some funky striped paper for the matting on the front of my card and popped my robot out with some foam.Icontinued the theme of colour on the inside and made myself a little sentiment using a different font on the workspace straight onto the gingham again. I love this feature as it all pops out of the printer all ready to go!

Everything got a good old inking of orange around the edges and I added a few green gems to make it look yummy and that was it finished.
I seriously love my Craft The Year Away CD, its so versatile and I would recommend it to anyone! Just look at that cute little robot!! He even had all his colouring on already so I didn't even have to colour him up!!

Right off to cook fajitas for tea,mmmmmmmm!!!
Thank you for popping in on me
hugs Lou xxxx

Sunday 6 March 2011

Paper Sundae's challenge 59- Stripes!

Image- Donna's Adventure from Tiddly Inks.
Sentiment-past freebie from Tiddly Inks.
Promarkers- Vanilla,soft peach,cyan,azure,amethyst,
yellow,gold,sandstone,caramel and buttercup,cool grey 1,
honeycomb,pear green!! 
Papers- Memory Makers for the stripes
yellow core-dinations and a file folder!
Embossing- cuttlebug distressed stripes.

Afternoon peeps!!!!
I have had some awesome crafty time with Mo today and I have loved it!! Mo made a little wild animal stage and I got a few cards and a plaquey thing done,yey go me!!

The first card I made was this little cutey usnig Donna's Adventure from Tiddly Inks. I made it for the Paper sundae's 'Stripes' challenge that Christy from Tiddly Inks is sponsoring this week. I really enjoyed making this one, I love the cheery papers and its been ages since I used my cuttlebug distressed stripes folder!!!

I will definately be checking back into the paper Sundae's blog again as sunday is the day when I normally get chance to play with my paper,stamps and various bits and bobs!!!!! LOL!!!

I will save posting my other creations of lovliness for during the week!!!!
Thankyou for popping in on me!!
Lou xxxxxx

bowling card for a 6 year old!!

Morning peeps!!!

Mmmmmmm, have you ever tried taking a photo of a card you have made whilst your super excited 6 year old is trying to bundle it off into the envelope and get to the party?...... LOL!!! well, yep thats what happened with this one so apologies for the photo!!

Mo was extremely brave and actually went to a party yesterday, I was so proud of him as he usually won't go but he loved it. It was a bowling party and he really enjoyed it. The dancing after the meal was a bit scary but he joined in with musical bumps after the other children had played it 3 times already.

I am really so very proud of him as he will never go to parties,its a new thing for us!!!!!!

So I am going to have a chamomlie tea and get out to my craft room now and get some making done!!! I feel like I haven't been out there all week and there are some gorgeous challenges I need to get me a card done for!!

Have a wonderful sunday everybody!! Hugs Lou xxxx

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Ty the tapdancer -2nd post for today!!

Image- Ty the tapdancer from Tiddly Inks.
Papers- Grunge star (past freebie) and Ty's Splatter paper from Tiddly Inks.
Promarkers- vanilla and oatmeal-skin. Cool grey 2,3,and 4-Jumper.
Pastel beige for the skull! Denim blue and pastel blue-jeans
Buttercup,sandstone and caramel- hair.
Sentiment- freebie from our fabulous Femke.
cricut cut stars.
buttons made from card candy!!

Hello peeps!!!

yep, 2 posts in one day!! I am cooking on gas today!!! lol!!!

No, in all seriousness I got a message from my big sister today to say that my fabby nephew, Jake, has got a place in the secondary school he really wanted to go to. I am so excited for him as they specialise in drama and he especially wanted to go there because of that. I decided I needed to make a card for Jake to celebrate. Secondary is such a big deal because they go from being the oldest at primary school to being the teeniest peeps at their secondary school.
Christy put up a new image in the store last week called Ty the Tapdancer and I just knew he would be perfect for a card for Jake. I coloured him up and cut him out so I  could use Femke's awesome word art for Ty to dance away on and cut myself a few stars on my cricut ( linkies for all up at the top).
Now I didn't have any buttons to match my yummy blue cardstock on my stars so I had to have a bit of a think......cogs whirring....oooooh I could make a button out of some of my card candy!!!!! yey!!!!! I made 4 little buttons with some silvery thread through them.

So I promise that is me done for the day now!!!!! if I make anything else I promise to save it for tomorrow but I was so excited about this one!!!!!

Huge hugs Lou xxxxx