Friday 1 August 2014

Tiddly Inks Fairy Fun new release and SALE!!!!

Morning peeps!!

OOOOOH I am daftly excited this morning because I get to share one of my makes using the new Tiddly Inks images!! eeeeeeep!!! they are just AMAZING!!! And to help with all the fairy fun, Christy has kindly set up an awesome SALE! 25% off all digital stamps! Enter code: FAIRYSALE when you pop into the store to buy your images.

Pop on over to Christy's blog to see all the awesome makes from the Tiddly Inkers for all of the new release's to get your creative neeeeeeds a going!! he he he!!!!

I went with Birthday Fairy to show you today because I just loved making this card. I felt a squidge un cardmaker worthy yesterday, I don't know why,it doesn't often happen but I just felt a squidge low until she pootled onto my craft table, sprinkled some fairy magic on me and lifted me out of my little slumple, go Fairy!!!!! here's a little closer in on her.

Let's meet the rest of the gorgeous fairies, I have linked all their names to their homes in the shop just to be uber helpful to y'all :)  
           Fairy Friends                                                                      Christmas Fairy
                Birthday Fairy                                                                 Fairy Blessings

                Greeting Fairy                                                                       Tooth Fairy
Right, got to go get my brekkie and then walk the dogs. Little Mo wants a library day and we need to go food shopping before I start eating my blank cards!!! romfl!!

Huge hugs for you all
Lou xx